
Use machine learning to predict mobile subscriber downgrades/upgrades based on usage patterns.

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For any business that sells services to consumers, two key forecasting questions are:

  • Which consumers are likely to cancel or downgrade their service?
  • Which consumers are likely to upgrade their service?

For the former, the potential ‘downgraders’, the business may wish to preemptively avoid the scenario by offering an alternative service package that’s more suited to the consumer’s needs.

For the latter, the potential ’upgraders’, the business may wish to maximise consumer revenue by preemptively selling an upgraded service package or even upselling additional services.

So it’s clear that early identification of potential downgraders/upgraders can offer significant business benefits, both in terms of reducing consumer ‘churn’ and maximising business revenue.

For mobile phone operators, it’s typically very simple for a subscriber to downgrade their phone plan or even to cancel and switch to another operator. Consequently, downgrades and churn are significant issues.

On the other hand, mobile phone operators typically offer a wide range of plans and services, so maximising upgrade and upsell of these plans/services can offer significant revenue benefits.

Machine Learning potentially offers a means of using subscriber data to predict who will downgrade/cancel or upgrade. In Machine Learning terminology, this is a classification task.

For mobile phone operators, however, stringent data privacy controls and physical dispersal of data (across multiple subsystems or even locations) often means that a comprehensive, ‘wide’ set of subscriber data is not readily available for machine learning classification.

Thus, the rest of this write-up describes a prototype that seeks to predict downgrades/upgrades from a very reduced (‘narrow’) set of subscriber data; i.e., with key items (features):

  • prepaid or postpaid
  • contract length (for postpaid)
  • subscriber spend
  • number of calls per month
  • purchased versus used calls/texts/data per month

The above data is quite anonymous (thus less privacy-sensitive) and should be quite readily available, e.g., from the mobile phone operator’s billing system and associated subsystems.

The prototype seeks to leverage the fact that a lot of important information relevant to downgrade/upgrade prediction can be inferred from the aforementioned data items; for example:

  • Is the subscriber ‘steady’ (long postpaid contract) or more ‘fickle’ (short postpaid contract or prepaid)?
  • Is the subscriber quite spendthrift (high spend and purchases much more calls/texts/data than they actually use) or a more careful spender (low spend and only purchases what they need)?
  • Is the subscriber using almost the maximum of their purchased levels of calls/text/data? This may suggest they’re likely to upgrade.
  • What age is the subscriber? This can be roughly inferred from usage patterns; e.g., younger subscribers tend to use more data and less calls/texts than older subscribers. Younger subscribers may also be more ‘fickle’; i.e., more likely to switch operators.
  • Is the subscriber a business, thus more likely to regularly review/audit their spend? This can be roughly inferred from a high number of short calls and high data usage.

Data Preparation

For this prototype, a synthetic subscriber data set was created using the following steps:

1) Generate the initial random data set using generate data. The script was run locally to avail of an increased data set limit of 100,000 items. Generation was run 10 times to produce a data set with a total of 1,000,000 subscribers. This data set is available here.

2) Clean the initial data set to fix and/or remove any invalid values. A custom Groovy script was written to perform the cleaning.

3) Label the data set; i.e., classify each subscriber as cancelled/downgraded/unchanged/upgraded according to the rules/inferences listed towards the end of the earlier Overview section. Note, however, that an element of real-world randomness was also included; e.g., so that a small number of apparently more ‘stable’ subscribers still downgrade or cancel, etc.

An additional Groovy script was written to perform this labelling.

4) Split the labelled dataset into training (60%), validation (20%) and test (20%) sets. See this article for an explanation of the purpose of each of these sets.

The original full labelled dataset is available here. The set of original labels and their values is as follows:


The subscriber’s action within 90 days of the data sampling:

  • upgraded plan
    for prepaid, means switched to postpaid
  • unchanged
  • downgraded plan
    postpaid only
  • switched to prepaid
    postpaid only
  • cancelled
    prepaid stopped topups, postpaid cancelled contract

Note that some of the prototype iterations simplified the above label set; this is described further down.


Whether or not the subscriber purchased additional products (from the mobile operator) within 90 days of the data sampling:

  • purchased additional products
  • didn’t purchase additional products

NB: This label was generated in the original dataset. However, in order to narrow its focus, the prototype didn’t attempt to predict this label value.

Software Evaluation

There are many open-source and commercial software tools and packages available for Machine Learning. Some of the more widely-used packages were evaluated for this prototype:


Widely-used Python-based machine learning framework. Using TensorFlow’s full functionality requires quite a strong proficiency in Python. While bindings for Java (using JNI) and JavaScript are available, these don’t support all of the functionality of the Python API.


Also Python-based, but simpler to use than TensorFlow. Consequently, it’s suitable for use by developers with less proficiency in Python.


Also Python and R-based. One of H2O’s advantages is that it includes a browser-based UI (‘Flow’) that provides a very convenient way of loading data and training an initial machine learning model.

TensorFlow was used for the initial machine learning prototyping. However, based on the above evaluation, scikit-learn was subsequently used for all of the prototyping.

Note that, for machine-learning production environments, the choice of software should be re-evaluated. The following factors, among others, would need to be evaluated for the above software tools/packages:

  • Performance, including usage of GPUs ,etc.
  • Cloud availability.
  • Clustering capability.
  • Integration with pipeline (e.g., Apache Spark) that feeds data to the machine learning model.

Model Training and Prediction

A number of different iterations were performed during model training. Each iteration trained a new model by incrementally varying the classifiers and/or applying various transformations to the input data:


The following classifiers were used during the training iterations:

Note that each training iteration used an identically-configured classifier (same random state, same number of hidden layers for neural network, etc.). It may be possible to obtain improved prediction results by varying the configuration of each classifier.

Data Sets

The following subscriber datasets were used during the training iterations:


Includes all of the upgrade and downgrade classes as described earlier. Includes both postpaid and prepaid subscribers.


Generated by reducing the multiple downgrade classes (described for the full dataset above) to a single catch-all ‘downgrade’ class that represents any of cancelled, switched to prepaid or the original downgraded class.

Simple Downgrade

Generated by removing the upgrade label from the above simple dataset.

Simple Downgrade Postpaid

Generated by removing the prepaid subscribers from the above simple downgrade dataset; i.e., so that only postpaid subscribers remain.

Additional Transformations

During training iterations, the following transformations were applied to the datasets described above:

  • Feature Scaling to normalize feature values; i.e., so that all feature values are within a similar range.
  • Oversampling (using SMOTE) to balance the relative distribution of the various classes; i.e., so that there are fairly similar numbers of subscribers that downgrade, upgrade, stay unchanged, etc.

Note that some classifiers are more sensitive than others to the above transformations.

Also note that validation wasn’t explicitly/externally applied while performing training iterations; some of the earlier classifiers internally apply nested k-fold cross-validation.

The following metrics were applied in order to score each iteration’s predictions:

  • Precision: Reflects the prediction ‘quality’ of the model; this figure is higher for less false positives.
  • Recall: Reflects the prediction ‘quantity’ achieved by the model; the figure is higher with more true positives.
  • F1 Score: Combines the precision and recall so they can be compared across the various training iterations. The F1 score is defined as 2(Precision*Recall) / (Precision+Recall)

In order to compare like-for-like metrics across iterations, the metrics above were rolled-up to only cover the simple downgrade true/false scenario. That scenario applies across all of the data sets mentioned earlier, it’s thus available for comparison all iterations. So, when taking prediction metrics for the full data set, the cancelled/switched-to-prepaid/downgraded classes were all simply counted as ‘downgraded’.

Note that similar metrics could have been measured for predicting upgrade scenarios; this could be achieved with the following simple changes:

i) Use the ‘Simple Upgrade’ and ‘Simple Upgrade Postpaid’ datasets instead of their downgrade equivalents.

ii) Take prediction metrics (precision and recall) for upgrade instead of for downgrade.

The Python source code for the training model iterations is available here.

Results and Analysis

The following table describes the training iterations and their resulting downgrade prediction metrics; the iterations are sorted by their F1 Scores. Note that the table excludes any iterations that didn’t complete or that failed to predict some classes.

Train Train Train Train Predict Predict Predict
Data Set Classifier Scaled Oversampled Precision Recall F1 Score
Simple Downgrade Postpaid MLP yes yes 0.47 0.58 0.52
Simple Downgrade Postpaid SGD yes yes 0.43 0.61 0.50
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Linear SVC yes yes 0.41 0.58 0.48
Simple Downgrade MLP yes yes 0.35 0.73 0.47
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Random Forest yes yes 0.42 0.54 0.47
Simple MLP yes yes 0.35 0.72 0.47
Simple Downgrade MLP no yes 0.36 0.68 0.47
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Gradient Boosting no no 0.62 0.37 0.46
Simple Downgrade Postpaid MLP yes no 0.63 0.36 0.46
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Linear SVC no yes 0.32 0.77 0.45
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Random Forest no yes 0.46 0.43 0.44
Simple Downgrade Postpaid MLP no yes 0.30 0.85 0.44
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Random Forest no no 0.49 0.40 0.44
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Random Forest yes no 0.49 0.40 0.44
Simple SGD yes yes 0.33 0.62 0.43
Simple Linear SVC yes yes 0.31 0.69 0.43
Simple Downgrade Random Forest yes yes 0.35 0.51 0.42
Simple Random Forest yes yes 0.36 0.49 0.42
Simple MLP no yes 0.29 0.70 0.41
Simple Downgrade SGD no yes 0.30 0.62 0.40
Simple Downgrade SGD yes yes 0.27 0.79 0.40
Simple Downgrade Linear SVC yes yes 0.27 0.79 0.40
Simple Downgrade Random Forest no yes 0.42 0.38 0.40
Simple Random Forest no yes 0.42 0.37 0.39
Simple Downgrade Gradient Boosting no no 0.63 0.28 0.39
Simple Downgrade MLP yes no 0.63 0.28 0.39
Simple Downgrade Random Forest no no 0.48 0.32 0.38
Simple Downgrade Random Forest yes no 0.48 0.32 0.38
Simple Random Forest no no 0.47 0.32 0.38
Simple Random Forest yes no 0.47 0.32 0.38
Simple Gradient Boosting no no 0.63 0.26 0.37
Simple Downgrade Linear SVC no yes 0.23 0.88 0.36
Simple MLP yes no 0.62 0.25 0.36
Simple Linear SVC no yes 0.20 0.81 0.32
Simple Downgrade SGD no no 0.19 0.93 0.32
Simple Linear SVC no no 0.18 0.94 0.30
Full MLP yes yes 0.22 0.43 0.29
Simple SGD no yes 0.26 0.29 0.27
Full Random Forest yes yes 0.20 0.32 0.25
Full Random Forest no yes 0.25 0.23 0.24
Simple Downgrade Postpaid Linear SVC no no 0.25 0.19 0.22
Full Random Forest no no 0.31 0.16 0.21
Full Random Forest yes no 0.31 0.16 0.21
Full Linear SVC yes yes 0.12 0.46 0.19
Full SGD yes yes 0.14 0.29 0.19
Full MLP no yes 0.14 0.17 0.15
Simple Downgrade Postpaid SGD no yes 0.20 0.10 0.13
Simple Downgrade MLP no no 0.69 0.05 0.09
Full SGD no yes 0.09 0.08 0.08
Simple Downgrade Linear SVC no no 0.26 0.05 0.08
Full Linear SVC no yes 0.05 0.08 0.06
Simple Downgrade Postpaid SGD no no 0.21 0.01 0.02
Simple Downgrade Postpaid MLP no no 0.17 0.00 0.00
Simple SGD no no 0.15 0.00 0.00
Full Linear SVC no no 0.13 0.00 0.00

The confusion matrices for the top 2 performers (by F1 score) are as follows; the matrices respectively show the metrics for downgraded and unchanged classes.


  • Simple Downgrade Postpaid dataset
  • Multi-layer Perceptron classifier
  • Scaled
  • Oversampled

[[15069 11039]
[16726 55680]]

For predicting downgrades, this model iteration produced 15,069 true positives; i.e., subscribers successfully predicted as downgrades. However, the model failed to predict 11,039 downgrades, thus it has a recall (‘quantity’) score of 0.58.

In addition, the model produced 16,726 false positives; i.e., erroneously predicted subscribers as downgraded when they were actually unchanged. This is from the total unchanged figure of (16,726 + 55,680). Thus, the model has a reasonable precision (‘quality’) score of 0.47.

ii) 2ND HIGHEST F1 SCORE: 0.50

  • Simple Downgrade Postpaid dataset
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent classifier
  • Scaled
  • Oversampled

[[16069 10039]
[21660 50746]]

This model iteration scored similarly to the previous model; slightly better recall (‘quantity’) score of 0.61, but a slightly lower precision (‘quality’) score of 0.43.

It’s also useful to examine a very different confusion matrix for another model iteration:

iii) LOWER F1 SCORE: 0.44

  • Simple Downgrade Postpaid dataset
  • Multi-layer Perceptron classifier
  • Not Scaled
  • Oversampled

[[22156 3952]
[51695 20711]]

For predicting downgrades, this model iteration produced 22,156 true positives; i.e., subscribers successfully predicted as downgrades. The model only failed to predict 3,952 downgraded subscribers. So it has a high recall (‘quantity’) score of 0.85.

However, the model produced 51,695 false positives; i.e., erroneously predicted subscribers as downgraded when they were actually unchanged. This is from the total unchanged figure of (51,695 + 20,711). So the model has a low precision (‘quality’) score of 0.30.

For the above model iterations, the precision and recall could be fine-tuned by adjusting the probability threshold (aka decision threshold); i.e., the point at which a subscriber is adjudged to be either downgraded or unchanged. This is described for scikit-learn in this article.

An additional tuning measure would be to use the validation datasets (created at the same time as the training datasets earlier) to explicitly perform validation. This could be used to identify any potential underfitting (high bias) or overfitting (high variance) by the various model iterations:

  • Underfitting is represented by a high error rate in both the training and validation sets. This may be addressed by increasing the number of subscriber features in the datasets; e.g., age, gender, etc.
  • Overfitting is represented by a low error rate in the training set, but a high error rate in the validation set. This may be addressed by reducing the number of subscriber features or by obtaining data from a greater number of subscribers.

Applying non-nested (cross-) validation is described for scikit-learn here.

Note: Automatic machine learning (using scikit-learn) was also evaluated during the course of this prototype. However, it produced a less successful model (lower precision and recall) than the models produced iteratively above. The source code for the automatic machine learning is available here.


1) Simple and Specific

  • Changing the classifier and adjusting scaling/over-sampling typically delivered small incremental metric improvements; e.g., of a few percent.
  • Greater improvements were observed by manipulating/engineering the data; e.g., separating unrelated data (postpaid from prepaid), reducing the number of classes, etc.
  • The best results were achieved when the number of classes was simplified to downgraded/unchanged/upgraded and when postpaid subscribers were separated from prepaid; i.e., when there was less ‘noise’ in the input data.

This conclusion may be stated as follows:

For machine learning classification, it’s best to ask a simple question, then provide very specific data to allow that question to be answered.

2) Improving Prediction Rates

As-is, the downgrade prediction metrics shown in the earlier table wouldn’t be sufficient for a real-life production environment. However, the following steps could be taken to improve the prediction rate:

  • Use real data; the synthetic data (generated specifically for this prototype) applies its own rules/inferences, so it has some inbuilt biases.
  • Include additional subscriber features; e.g., age, gender, personal/business, customer loyalty (period of time with the operator), etc.
  • Include comprehensive feature engineering.
  • Include mobile operator metrics/features captured at the time of subscriber downgrade/upgrade; average customer review, customer care responsiveness, etc.

Overall, the greater ‘return’ for effort was found from manipulating and improving the input data, rather than adjusting the classifier algorithms and parameters. This is where most future efforts should be concentrated.

This confirms what Andrew Ng quotes in his course notes for Stanford University Machine Learning:

“It’s not who has the best algorithm that wins. It’s who has the most data.”

(Banko and Brill, 2001)